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Books for Sale
IKIGAI for Organisations
IKIGAI is a Japanese concept that can be applied to our daily routine as an orientation to achieve sense of purpose for a more fulfilling life. Although IKIGAI is often seen as personal – something that is for the individual to decide and strive for. Very seldom it is considered an organisational effort. However, if we examine the build-up of an organisation closely, we will realise that most, if not every organisation is built on a sense of purpose that its achievements depend heavily on a collective effort of all the individuals in it. Without buy-in at an individual level, it would almost be impossible to coordinate a strategy to overcome the challenges that may come in the way of its success. This book sets out to present several ideas that can be considered to lay the foundation of applying IKIGAI at an organisational level. It is designed in such a way to prioritise practicality and cost-effective activities that can be done by any organisation of any industry or nature of business, no matter big or small. If applied to an organisation, IKIGAI can be a powerful tool to achieve employee engagement, customer centricity, and business success.
Fundamentals of Training
Training is a systematic process that enables learning and practice to take place with a clear objective to invoke change in the competency of another strategically through appropriate and acceptable methods. This book aims to assist readers, especially new trainers to understand the fundamentals of training and what is required to conduct a proper training session.
Understanding Training Needs Analysis
Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is a critical exercise that enables a more targeted training intervention to be carried out for employees. This book sets out to give a holistic overview of TNA, why TNA is crucial to training and development efforts, and how to get started without much hassle.
Bahasa Melayu
Mencari IKIGAI
Definisi IKIGAI yang diguna meluas sekarang dipengaruhi pandangan dunia Barat dan mungkin sedikit “lari” daripada definisi IKIGAI “sebenar” dari Jepun. Mungkin juga ada sedikit “lost in translation” – lebih-lebih lagi apabila mahu diperkenalkan kepada masyarakat Malaysia. Atas sebab ini, buku ini ditulis untuk mengupas erti IKIGAI agar dapat diterima oleh masyarakat Malaysia yang sudah sedia majmuk dan unik. Malah, tidak salah kiranya versi ini dinamakan sebagai “my IKIGAI” sempena aplikasinya khusus untuk warga Malaysia.
KAIZEN Mindset
KAIZEN sering diterjemahkan sebagai “continuous improvement” – usaha untuk perbaiki keadaan sesuatu itu secara berterusan. Ia sering dilihat sebagai satu usaha besar yang biasa berlaku dalam proses pembuatan atau digunapakai oleh organisasi-organisasi besar. Buku ini meneroka KAIZEN dari aspek pola fikiran dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian yang melihat penambahbaikan dari perspektif langkah-langkah kecil tetapi berterusan.
My books made available for sale through QReazant can be found here.