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Kecekalan Minda
Motivasi bukanlah sesuatu yang boleh diajar secara langsung. Motivasi adalah emosi yang terhasil. Kita tidak boleh motivasikan orang lain hanya kerana kita sendiri ada motivasi. Elemen yang menimbulkan motivasi itu tidak sama untuk setiap individu. Oleh yang demikan, walau ada trainer yang turut menjalankan program motivasi, bukan semua trainer itu “pakar motivasi”. Malah, tidak semua …
Defining “Training”
I often go back to basics when it comes to approaching any training session that I conduct. I start by considering the audience and how I would enable them to participate and engage in the learning process. This typically comes in a form of establishing a common definition to the words that I will use …
Importance of Identifying the Right Competencies for the Industry
Everyone wants to be the recipient of excellent performance. Be it in a form of service or product, excellent performance will never be refused by anyone on the receiving end. However, on the giving end, things can be very subjective and blurry at times. The question is, how does one know that the level of …
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